Thirty Days of Christmas; Day Four: The Tree Topper and Skirt

This post is all about the top and bottom of the tree. The top of our tree is not an actual tree topper. It’s a snowman decoration we picked up at the dollar store. The main reason being that it was all we could afford at the time. However, now it doesn’t fit with the overall theme of our tree and we’re looking at replacing it. Having a clear plastic decoration on the top of the tree looks out of place compared to all the bright lights and colors. (Also, Hubby said it looks like our tree has a condom on it.)

Now, for the bottom of our tree, we usually have a plain sheet to catch the inevitable stray needles that fall off. We borrowed my parent’s extra tree skirt one year but we gave it back shortly thereafter. This year, however, I’m currently working on making a knitted tree skirt. It’s done in triangular sections and is sewn together when finished. I think there’s only one small problem: I don’t have a lot of free time between now and Christmas nor do I knit very quickly. I am almost done with the second section and, if I want to cover the entire base of the tree, I still have at least a half dozen more to go.

I guess all I can really do is buckle down and keep at it. Maybe I’ll have enough done by Christmas to have half a skirt. That would be something, right?

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