Thirty Days of Christmas; Day Three: The Ornaments.

Here we are again, with another installment of my Thirty Days of Christmas blog. This is another post that has ties to the original post about the tree as today’s topic covers the ornaments.

As I mentioned before, our tree has a variety of different ornaments on it. Some of them are for both of us, some of them are for each of us individually, and some are from our childhood and cannot be replaced. 

An example of the first would be our Gone with the Wind  ornament. It features Rhett Butler and Scarlett O’Hara in the scene where Scarlett is in mourning and receives a lovely green bonnet from Rhett. She is holding it in her hand and looking up at him while he cups her chin and looks down. It’s a cute little ornament that Hubby and I believe fits us quite well. 

Another example of the ornaments that are for both of us would be those that have ‘Our First Christmas’ on them. One of them was given to us by my parents as a Christmas present the year we were first married. (On a side note, this year was our fourth year being married. Next year will be a milestone, five years. Provided the world lasts that long, of course, but that’s another topic.)

An example of the second type of ornament, the ones that are for each of us individually, are those like Hubby’s Three Stooges ornament. He loves them and puts them on the tree every year. Another of his would be his Taz ornaments (from Looney Tunes Taz, in case anyone’s confused) or his space shuttle ornament.

For the second type of ornament, I have the Disney character set my mom got me a few years ago as well as my Barbie ornaments. Now, the Barbie ornaments are special because this is the last year that Hallmark is making them. If I want anymore, I will have to order them directly and they will only go from this year back. The Disney set is one my mom found and bought for me and, as far as I know, they are not replaceable.


The third type of ornament, the ones that are from are childhoods, are things like the bear-in-swing ornament or the angel that lights up when plugged into the string of lights. For Hubby, he has a merry-go-round tiger and carnival tiger, in a cage, that he likes to put on the tree. I don’t mind either, as they are very old and fragile and there may not be any more like them… ever.

Now, there is another topic about ornaments that I would like to discuss. Sherrilyn Kenyon, a wonderful author and one of my Facebook friends ( has something she calls a ‘Lucas/Rodenberry Bush’. It has Star Trek, Star Wars, and other assorted decorations on it, as well as a Yoda treetopper. While I may be a nerd, I cannot claim to be that big of one. However, it brings up an interesting topic: theme trees. Maybe one year, we’ll do a theme tree where we’ll have nothing but glass ornaments. One year will be nothing but shiny plastic. It’s something my parents and I used to do every year until I left home. Hubby and I will just have to buy more ornaments if we want to do something like that.

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