Camp Nano update

Aiee. So much inspiration flowing through my head and yet my fingers only work so quickly. It doesn’t help that I can only use my phone to write at work and that’s even worse than the computer.

Also doesn’t help that, at home, my net utterly sucks. Still, I’m fairly sure we are edging close to 39K or even 40K. Only a few more days before the end of the month. Gotta have 50K by then.

Can we make it? God, I hope so.

Going to camp without leaving home

So, this month I’m going to camp. However, I’m still going to work and I don’t have a tent or s’mores. How is this possible you ask?

Quite simple: I’m participating in something called Camp NaNoWriMo. It is June’s version of the popular November tradition of writing a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. I didn’t *quite* complete last November’s challenge, but this time, I have the help of a co-author. It’s kind of nice having someone to help share the writing responsibility.

I do feel bad, though. My participation has been rather lacking lately, and a I only have myself to blame. I’ve been uninspired and faintly uninterested for a few days, but I might have to blame it on outside influences. (Womanly hormones being one of them, if you catch my drift)

As the saying goes, “this too shall pass” and I’m hoping to get back in the swing of things. I’m also hoping that all my fanfiction reading isn’t another cause of my uninspiration, cause I’m not sure I can give that up. At least, not for a while yet.

Frustration abounds

Sigh. I’ve had a new manager for a week now and every day there has been something wrong. From cigarette counts to fuel deliveries, everything that could go wrong did.

Let’s not forget that I’ve been having to help her figure things out for this week as well. She is new to Laramie, which means she doesn’t have a place to live or know where any of our competitors are.

And the next wonderful bit of fuel to the fire: everything that I did while running this place by myself… is wrong. All the paperwork has been redone, we have new policies for how to drop mo.ey into the safe and redundancy is now the name of the game.

Yet, I’d like to point out that while I was running it, we never had a major overage or shortage of cash, or a messed up fuel delivery or even messed up paperwork. So, you tell me: was it really worthwhile to have a new manager instead of just promoting the current assistant manager?

Yeah, I didn’t think so either. But, I’m not much better than a grunt right now, so what say do I have anymore?

Sigh… Another day, another dollar

Well, I quit my second job last week. I did it correctly, with a letter of resignation, but when I went to work the other day, my name was crossed off the schedule. I’m going with the assumption that I’m no longer going to be working there.

The strange thing is my boss texted me to ask if I wanted to work tomorrow. I told her no and I don’t feel bad about it. I mean, if you’re going to take me off the schedule, I can safely say I’m not going to be working there anymore.

On the other hand, my Tesoro job is going quite well. We have a guy coming from another station to help us close. This next weekend, one of the nearby managers is coming to help us open. That means I’ll finally get a day off and, hopefully, won’t have to come in for any reason. I’m not gonna say that’s a for-sure thing, but one can hope.


I know I haven’t posted in a while, but there hasn’t been anything real exciting to talk about.

However, today I had a pretty good victory. When my Buick died, we had to get another car. We now have a Honda Civic. My Buick was an automatic while this Civic is a manual. If you’ve ever driven a stick shift, you know how difficult it is to learn. If you’ve never driven one, be grateful. It is a pain in the ass.

Well, today I finally managed to drive it from my hubby’s job all the way home with only stalling at the two traffic lights along the way. When I drove it before, I couldn’t even manage to get across the parking lot without killing the engine.

I know that pride is a sin, but right now, I don’t care. I’m proud of myself for this achievement. This is only the second time I’ve ever driven a manual transmission vehicle. So today, I can give myself a pat on the back for achieving this little victory.

Would you read it?

If I started writing a fanfiction or original story in my blog, would you read it?

I got the idea from Tales of MU. Alexandra Erin is a pretty awesome writer and an even better inspiration. If you don’t mind a little adult language and situations, I encourage you to give it a try.

Then come back and tell me what you think. I’ve got a couple of ideas, but I’d like to see what others think first.

By the way, if you don’t know what fanfiction is, here’s a quick rundown: you take an existing story (Harry Potter or Lord Of the Rings are some popular ones) and rewrite it or expand on it. You can use the existing characters or make up some of your own. has tons of examples you can peruse.

Birthday Presents

Well, Sunday was my birthday so I didn’t post then, and since I got the last of my presents today, I figured I would wait and tell you about them then.

The first one was the Wii video game The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. It requires the use of a Wii Motion Plus controller, which we got with our Diablo anyway. It uses some of the same motions that the Wii Sports Resort game uses, which is cool.

The best present I got this year was the one that ca
me home today. Her name is Zoe and she’s a domestic short-haired calico cat. Right now, I’m at work and she’s at home, probably sleeping under the bed.

Here’s the thing: Hubby is allergic to cats. Yet, this was his decision because we’d already decided not to do it. He had a dream about it and I trust him about things like that. I know its weird to trust dreams to big decisions, but that’s just the way we are.

The other decent gift was a car. You see, my transmission died and we haven’t been able to drive it at all. Well, a friend of its had been giving us rides around town and, I guess, he just finally decided he wanted a different car. We got his Honda and now he’s driving a Toyota Corolla. Sure, we’re paying off one of his debts for him, but its still less than the car is actually worth.

All in all, a pretty good birthday I’d say. Especially for it having been my golden birthday. (That’s where your age matches the day of your birthday. Thus, 26 on the 26th.)



Two days late and several thousand dollars short

I know it’s not the weekend like I said it would be, but Saturday and Sunday were kind of bad days for me. When I got picked up Saturday from work, we found that our car wouldn’t kick into gear. Hubby had to go to work, so I was stuck at home. I didn’t want to be by myself, so I decided to drive up to see Hubby at work.

Well, that was a bad idea. I barely made it to his job with the car having to start and stop all the way there. It sucked. I broke down in tears when I got there, since I’d called my mom to tell her and see what she had to say and all she said was ‘I can’t help you. My tax return has to go into putting new windows and new carpet in the house, paying off a wedding dress, and paying my own bills.’ It hurt to know that I didn’t rank as high as new windows and a wedding dress. (By the way, that’s my dress she’s talking about. She got a credit card from David’s Bridal to pay for it, and it was only $600 bucks.)

So, now we’ve been bumming rides off a friend of ours. It’s been a crappy few days, and I’m not sure its going to get much better. Until we can do something about getting a car, it’s going to be bumming rides or getting on the bus that goes through town.

Conferencing with the devil

It’s not as bad as you might think. A little backstory: Hubby and I have our computers through Rent-A-Center (RAC). If you know what that is, good for you. If not, the premise is pretty simple: rent-to-own merchandise. Pay a fee (weekly, biweekly, or monthly) until the item is paid off, while you get to use whatever it is you’re paying for.

The reason for this explanation? We got a new toy last week. We weren’t going to buy it, but we know a couple of the employees at the RAC here in town and they got us our new toy.

What is this toy, you ask? Well, it’s a black Wii. It came with Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort. After that, we bought Red Steel (which we returned because it sucks) and now Mad World.

The toy’s name? (Yes, Hubby named the Wii) Lord Diablo. I have no idea why the “Lord” is in front of it, but it’s there nonetheless.

The next purchases for each of us is probably going to be Resident Evil 4 for Hubby and Zumba Fitness 2 for me. Or Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. I’m not sure yet.

Hey, look at that. It’s not a super long post like the last few have been.



Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

So I meant to do this yesterday, but it was late when I got home and hubby decided to pamper me with noodles & tomatoes (my favorite food) and a bubble bath.

Anyway, here are some interesting things I saw over this last week:

I got a new phone, an LG that looks like a Blackberry. It’s a Tracfone phone, so I still have to buy minutes for it, but it’s a nice upgrade from the one I used to have.

I got my first paycheck of my assistant manager job. It’s nice to have that much money coming in now. It means no more scrounging and saving to find enough money to eat lunch.

I started a new project of a box/garter stitch scarf. Basically, I started with the box stitch (knit 4, purl 4 for 4 rows, then purl 4, knit 4 for 4 rows) and I repeated that 8 times (that’s a total of 32 rows, if you’re so inclined). Then I did 32 rows of garter stitch (knit all rows). I’m using sock yarn to see how well this turns out. I’ll see if I can get a picture up later when it’s all done.

I got my first haircut in 2 years. It was only 2 inches, but it feels weird nonetheless.

I cut my thumb at my other job (Subway, a sandwich artist). It wasn’t with a knife or one of the slicers. No, this was when I pulled the cash box from under the counter and sliced my thumb on the underside of the counter.

The last thing I have is the ‘Cowboy’ I saw yesterday. He had the boots, the hat, the kerchief around his neck. The only thing that spoiled his image? He was driving a Hummer. Not a military grade one, either. This was one of those beasts, an old gas-guzzler and not something you’d think a cowboy would drive. I didn’t have quite as much respect for him after that.

Well, now I gotta go help hubby shave his head. See ya laters.
